Membership Application

It is assumed that the applicant has read and agreed to these terms and conditions when they submit their membership application to become a member. Once the Trinidad and Tobago Geriatrics Society has reviewed a membership application and confirmed enrollment in writing, these terms and conditions will be enforced.

Membership is governed exclusively by these Terms and Conditions, without reference to any other agreements between a member and the Trinidad and Tobago Geriatrics Society. In the event of a dispute, these terms and conditions will prevail over the terms and conditions of the membership application form.

Membership Fee

From January 1st to December 31st is the duration of the membership year. Each member’s membership fee is unique and is determined by their membership category each year. The annual cost includes the website newsletter, reduced admission fees for Society functions and meetings, and the election for board, committee, Special Interest Group, and region office positions. In the event of annual increases to membership fees, members will be informed by phone or email.


Membership Benefits become effective once an application or renewal has been approved and the necessary Membership Fee has been paid. We accept checks, bank transfers, and some credit/debit cards as payment methods, as listed on the membership application.


If a member fails to pay the fees for the Membership Year, we reserve the right to cancel the membership. If a membership application is supported by false or inaccurate information, we reserve the right to cancel membership for any reason at any time of the year.

In the event of false representation, the member will be informed and given a complete refund of their fees for the current year. If a member decides to cancel, the following cancellation fees will be charged:

If the membership is cancelled within 10 working days of receiving the membership acknowledgment, the member is entitled to a full refund. If a member cancels an application after 10 business days of receiving a membership acknowledgement, they will not be entitled to a refund.

To switch their membership category, a member must cancel their current membership first before receiving a refund. To request a refund in accordance with these terms and conditions, you are required to send us a written notification, either by email or letter. We will process and issue a refund within 30 days if you are eligible for it.


We have all the rights to the content of all Membership Materials. When you submit the membership application, you consent to Trinidad and Tobago Geriatrics Society having exclusive rights over the content of your membership. Your membership does not allow you to access any of these materials and any associated materials. The member acknowledges that they will only use the materials as references and will not sell, hire, reproduce, or copy them in full or in part.

Record Keeping and Data Protection

Your membership application will be processed, your membership experience will be customized, and you will be kept informed about our services by adding information about members to our database. In accordance with the Data Protection Act, the General Data Protection Regulation, and any other applicable laws, we will process and retain all the information you provide us. You are aware that we will use your personal information for administrative purposes to fulfill your membership rights and provide membership services. We collaborate with outside vendors who provide specific services in certain situations. Our approach ensures that all data is transferred securely and that appropriate vendors sign confidentiality and data processing agreements with us. If you are interested in receiving a list of the current third parties we collaborate with, please get in touch with us.

We may send you information about our services that we think you might find interesting via phone, email, or postal mail as part of your membership. You can contact us by phone, email, the unsubscribe option in electronic communications, the membership portal of the Trinidad and Tobago Geriatrics Society website, or by posting a request to change your communication preferences or to stop receiving information from us.

Images and videos from our events are subject to our rights of advertising and instructional use. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you consent to the Trinidad and Tobago Geriatrics Society recording these events and using the footage that is generated. Your feedback comments may be incorporated into our marketing campaigns. Your comments can be used for marketing purposes without revealing your identity by accepting these terms and conditions.

Liability Limitation

Except for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, there is no cap or exclusion of liability. The Geriatrics Society of Trinidad and Tobago is responsible for any death or personal injury caused by its negligence. The Membership Fees payment for each Membership Year is equal to the total amount paid by you.

Society shall not be liable for any loss of profit, loss of business, loss of revenue, loss of anticipated savings, loss of use or value, or any indirect, special, or consequential loss. However, it is not related to any representation (unless fraudulent). These terms and conditions or the membership application do not include any implied warranties, conditions, or terms that are not expressly stated.

In Summary

Trinidad and Tobago Geriatric Society’s failure to enforce or exercise any rights within these terms and conditions does not constitute a waiver.