About Us

The Geriatric Society of Trinidad and Tobago (GSTT) is a nonprofit organization that was established in October 2023. Our objective is to enhance the quality of life, health, and independence of elderly individuals in Trinidad and Tobago. Health is a state of mind, body, and spirit, not just a condition of being free from diseases. We aim to provide care for older adults in the community that fosters health, activity, and support.  The GSTT advises policies, programs, activities, and education to help and support the health, independence, and quality of life of us all as we age.

Who We Are

The Geriatric Society of Trinidad and Tobago (GSTT) is a non-government organization that was established to lead the older adults healthcare. Our multidisciplinary team including doctors, nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists, social workers, dietitians,pharmacists and caregivers, provides a comprehensive approach to addressing the diverse needs of older adults.  We prioritize equality and avoid discrimination based on Gender, Race, Ageism, Nationality, Disability, or Socioeconomic status, serving all individuals with dignity and respect. We provide health and supportive care, and our services which includes clinical care, educational activities, and recreational programs, contributes to a holistic approach to elderly healthcare forthright.

Our Mission

Our focus is on providing health care to older adults with passion, innovation, and forward-thinking ideas. We also intend to establish outreach programs to work with a diverse population and acquire knowledge from research.

Our Vision

Our goal is to provide individuals with high-quality care whenever they need it and encourage the community to learn more about the geriatric healthcare services. We provide comprehensive geriatric assessments and personalized care plans, and facilitate the maintenance of older people’s independence, health, and activities. Our focus is on what is most crucial to families and older adults. Additionally, we provide education and training for healthcare professionals.

Our Strategy

  • Programs designed to involve the community and eliminate discrimination that affects the health and lifestyle of older adults.
  • Healthcare services and camps will be provided to our older adults with a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment.
  • Healthcare professionals and caregivers are provided with proper education and training on geriatric knowledge.
  • Conducting research on elderly people and creating policies to enhance their health and well-being.
  • Public education and awareness should be provided on geriatric syndrome and how to assist our older adults.

Our Work ethics